Portland’s Energy Audit Ordinance – Nannystate in Tent City, USA
“Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.” ~Ronald Reagan
“Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.” ~Ronald Reagan
Answer: When the provision making it non-refundable has been poorly drafted. Too many times I have seen sellers want to lock their buyers into a
Background. The painted surfaces of homes built before 1978 used lead based products. In 1971, a federal law was enacted prohibiting the use of these
Generally. The concept of title to land, i.e. its “ownership”, is fairly obvious, just like ownership of a vehicle, personal property, or other tangible and
Some good news from the latest RMLS™ Market Action letter. New listings for May 2017 reached 4,388, which was 5.9% higher than May 2016, at 4,144.
For those folks familiar with the lending and servicing industries, Ocwen is likely a familiar name. Metaphorically speaking, it has become a regulatory piñata, with
For those who experienced, even tangentially, some of the fallout from the housing and foreclosure crisis, circa 2007/8 – 2012, most are aware of the
Disambiguation refers to the removal of ambiguity by making something clear. Disambiguation narrows down the meaning of words and it’s a good thing. This word makes sense
What follows is a summary of tips when the seller is, or may be, a “foreign person” as defined by FIRPTA: Buyer Responsibilities Under FIRPTA. If
Homebuyers come in many varieties: Some are gullible, some naïve’, some suspicious, and many are in between. While it is true that first-time homebuyers should,