We all know that local property tax revenues are what support law enforcement, fire protection, education, etc. But most folks don’t understand the labyrinthine formulas
In a recent Wall Street Journal article by reporter Rebecca Ballhaus (“GOP to Control Senate for First Time Since ’06 After Midterm Election Sweep”) one
Quantitative Easing (“QE”) & Tapering. QE is a process whereby the Fed purchases large quantities of long-term securities held by big banks. The Fed prints
Nationalmortgagenews.com recently carried a story (“Fannie Moves Aggressively on New Low-Down-Payment Loans”) by Kate Berry reporting on Fannie’s and Freddie’s [collectively, “GSEs”[1]] venture back into
Measure 91 – High Times for Oregonians. According to OregonLive.com, here, there are 23 states that currently have medical marijuana laws on the books. Oregon