AIG – Hapless Victim or Reckless Ingrate? (Part One)
Background. The Big Banks, their excesses, and the stories of their rapacious greed, are slowly receding into the rearview mirror of memory, like an Elm
Background. The Big Banks, their excesses, and the stories of their rapacious greed, are slowly receding into the rearview mirror of memory, like an Elm
Introduction. Now that the market is s-l-o-w-l-y returning to a semblance of normalcy, perhaps it’s time to go back and revisit some real estate basics.
Regrettably, I cannot disclose the source that provided me with this purloined post. ~ PCQ Lead Chief Counsel: “OK, everyone, I think we’re ready to start.
“Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.” Adapted from quote by George Santayana (1863-1952) Well, well, well. According to a recent article in Bloomberg.com,
Introduction. When the credit industry collapsed circa 3Q 2008, followed by the real estate and construction industries, some journalists apparently became tired of reporting the
The online newsletter Mortgage Servicing News carried an interesting article that Realtors® should reprint and carry around in their pocket or purse. It was titled:
Introduction. Unless you’ve been in the real estate industry for ten or more years, it’s quite possible you’ve never heard of listback agreements. Due to
January 29, 2013 was a very bad day for Diane Hathaway. That was the day she pled guilty to bank fraud, committed in the course
“To be forewarned is to be forearmed.” The term “deficiency” arises in the context of a borrower’s default to their lender. It refers to the
As I was reading Kelly Harpster’s excellent article on The Housekeeping Report, summarizing the January 9, 2013 oral arguments on the Niday case[1] before the Oregon Supreme Court, I