Q-Law Blog

Borrower Exposure to Deficiency Risk

“To be forewarned is to be forearmed.” The term “deficiency” arises in the context of a borrower’s default to their lender.  It refers to the

MERS, Niday, and Occam’s Razor

As I was reading Kelly Harpster’s excellent article on The Housekeeping Report, summarizing the January 9, 2013 oral arguments on the Niday case[1] before the Oregon Supreme Court, I

HAMP, HARP, and Harpster

My fondness for alliterations compels the title.  I could not resist.  The purpose of this post is to welcome Lake Oswego attorney extraordinaire, Kelly Harpster,

Foreclosure Mill Morality

Slam! Bang! HER:  “Honey, is that you? You’re home early from the firm. Usually, on Fridays, you go over to Lucifer’s Lounge with the other

The ‘Briar Patch’ of Dodd-Frank

  The Goliaths are getting bigger. From 1995 to 2009 the six largest banks’ assets increased from 18% of gross domestic product to 68%. They’re