Q-Law Blog

Mission Statement- 2013

In The Beginning… In 2010, when I started my solo real estate practice, QUERIN LAW, LLC, and launched my website, Q-Law.com, I had high hopes and

The ‘Fabulous Fab’ Today

“More and more leverage in the system, The whole building is about to collapse anytime now…Only potential survivor, the fabulous Fab…standing in the middle of

2013 Short Sale FAQs [Part Two]

This set of FAQs is a continuation of a series of Q&As based upon the most current short sale information.  The link to Part One

2013 Short Sale FAQs [Part One]

The local and national real estate markets have been on the ropes for five years. The third quarter of 2007 was the statistical peak for

S&P Comes Out Swinging – Sort Of

“Waaaaaa” It’s no secret that I have little sympathy for Standard and Poors and the other ratings agencies.  Like carnival barkers at the securitization circus,