Discussion: The Portland Ordinance, 30.01.085 (“Portland Renter Additional Protections”) here, now in effect, has identified the occurrence of certain events that, if triggered, would require
From the IRS “It is critical that business owners correctly determine whether the individuals providing services are employees or independent contractors. Generally, you must withhold
Summary of Mediation & Arbitration under Sections 37-38.3 of the OREF Residential Real Estate Sale Agreement. The 2019 OREF forms revisions did not make any
See: ORS 314.258 and Oregon Administrative Rule 150-314-258. Escrow companies are required to withhold a portion of a non-resident seller’s net proceeds from the sale
Mortgages. ORS 86.010 to 86.275 generally address the rights and duties of lenders and borrowers owning land secured by a mortgage. The process of foreclosing