Querin Law: State AGs Ask CFPB To Limit Arbitrations
In a November 25, 2014 article by Adam D. Maarec of Davis Wright Tremaine, my old alma mater, posted here, he notes that attorneys general
In a November 25, 2014 article by Adam D. Maarec of Davis Wright Tremaine, my old alma mater, posted here, he notes that attorneys general
Ocwen, the servicing industry’s version of a corporate piñata, is, once again, stealing the wrong kind of headlines. In a November 8, 2014 article [“Firm
Introduction. For most readers of my rants posts, it is no secret that I am a strong supporter of the “little guy;” the folks who
This secret congressional testimony was surreptitiously transcribed and delivered anonymously to me by a high-level government employee who had recently been foreclosed by Cerberus Servicing Systems, a
In a recent article appearing at the online site “nationalmortgagenews.com” there appeared a short blurb titled “Altisource Opens Technology Office in India.” For those who
In January 2013, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) published a study titled “The Structure and Practices of the Debt Buying Industry.” The full report can
In a recent Wall Street Journal article entitled “Mortgage Lenders Ease Rules for Home Buyers in Hunt for Business” by Nick Timiraos and Annamaria Andriotis,
A change in how the most widely used credit score in the U.S. is tallied will likely make it easier for tens of millions of
“…the United States is still producing around $800 billion a year less in goods and services than it would if the economy were at full
While Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two GSEs[1] who’ve received the most attention of late – and much of it bad, after being taken