COVID NOTICE: The directions below were created before we ever heard of Covid-19. Today (June 2022) most clients work with me via phone, email and Zoom, rather than making office visits. This protocol will be followed until further notice. Under limited circumstances I will see clients in my office with proper social distancing and masks. I continue to do site inspections and other property visits where necessary as a part of my legal work.
While the directions below are accurate, there are two major differences due to Covid. (a) The parking garage is now gated full time, so if you have a meeting with me at my office and you will be parking in the garage below my building, when you arrive outside the gate, you will have to call my office phone, and I will come down to open it. (b) PMAR is temporarily closed to visitors, so you will have to come directly to my office.
PORTLAND (Main Office):
150 SW Harrison Street, Suite 50, Portland, OR 97201
Tel: (503) 444- 7661
Fax: (503) 961-1862
1. If you park on the street, follow these directions:
The 150 SW Harrison building is located near SW First Ave. on Harrison St. The address “150” is visible from Harrison next to the parking garage which is located under the building, and accessible from Harrison St. You can access Harrision St. coming from the East using either First Ave. (which is one way headed South) or southbound on Naito Parkway. The 150 SW Harrison building is located on the South side of Harrison St. It is only one level in height and sits above and back from the street and sidewalk.
If you approach the building from the West along Harrison Street, the signage is less visible, and the building profile, being only one level, is easy to miss. If you go past SW First Ave., you’ve gone too far. From the sidewalk on the South side of Harrison St. there is a wide concrete walkway that runs South alongside the building to the Lovejoy Fountain area. From that walkway you enter the glass doors to your left, and go into the courtyard where there are various tenant suites.
When you arrive inside the building courtyard, go to reception at Suite 200, which is the Portland Metro Association of Realtors (PMAR), and tell them you’re there to see me.
2. If you want to park in the garage located under the building, follow these directions:
Park in one of the “Visitor” spaces along the right side of the garage as you enter. There is no charge. Then go to the elevator and push “M” inside the car and you arrive at the ground level entrance to the building. Once outside the elevator, enter the courtyard of the building through the glass double doors.
When you arrive inside the building courtyard, go to reception at Suite 200, which is the Portland Metro Association of Realtors (PMAR), and tell them you’re there to see me.
BEND (Home Office): Mail Address Only:
70 SW Century Drive, Suite 100-509 Bend, OR 97702
Tel: (541) 330 – 2288
Fax: (503) 961-1862