This secret congressional testimony was surreptitiously transcribed and delivered anonymously to me by a high-level government employee who had recently been foreclosed by Cerberus Servicing Systems, a
Following the National Mortgage Settlement, B.L. Zebub, Belial Bank’s once fearless leader, is waffling on whether to jump into the fray, and start writing down
In a hastily convened telephone conference, B.L. Zebub, Belial Bank’s devilish, but distraught, leader, queries the attendees on the remarkable [some might say “miraculous”] turning
This secret congressional testimony was surrepetitiously transcribed and delivered anonymously to me by a high-level government employee who had recently been foreclosed by Cerberus Servicing
When we last left this telephone conference in Part One, Damien Faust, chief legal counsel for Belial Bank, was regaling everyone with his brilliance in
Once again, the best and brightest minds in the banking, servicing, and title industries are on yet another conference call discussing the latest events in