Triage Time At Belial Bank – U.S. Bank vs. Flynn
“…any assignments of the beneficial interest must be recorded in order for a non-judicial foreclosure to comply with the Oregon Trust Deed Act. The defendant
“…any assignments of the beneficial interest must be recorded in order for a non-judicial foreclosure to comply with the Oregon Trust Deed Act. The defendant
The Oregon Legislature has recently passed, and the Governor has signed, House Bill 2916. Here’s a quick summary: It applies to lenders who hold mortgage
“Foreclosure processing delays continue to mask the true face of the foreclosure situation, although there were some clues in the May numbers of what lies
“Curses! Foiled Again!” – Snidely Whiplash, Arch Villain, Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon Background. The lending industry’s response to the foreclosure problems in this country,
“While I recognize that plaintiffs have failed to make any payments on the note since September 2009, that failure does not permit defendants to violate
Although there is an abundance of useful information on the Internet, it can become confusing to many. So I thought I’d post some of the
From the same court that brought us U.S. Bank Association, Trustee v. Ibanez, earlier this year, it now appears we will soon hear from the
As noted in one of my recent posts, foreclosure trustees such as ReconTrust, the wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of America, quietly suspended their foreclosures
“The effective use of the DSA’s [Default Services Agreements] between LPS Default and the national mortgage servicers resulted in LPS Default having under its control
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) This holding was inevitable. It has been the subject