Surveys, Deed Descriptions, and Adverse Possession
Surveys vs. Visual Inspections. Most buyers do not order a survey before purchasing a home. Some visually check corners for survey pins in the ground, but
Surveys vs. Visual Inspections. Most buyers do not order a survey before purchasing a home. Some visually check corners for survey pins in the ground, but
Below is an article I authored in early 2020. How times have changed! In a recent Housingwire.com article (here) by Kathleen Howley, we learn that
In a 2020 Reuters article (here), authors Ann Saphir and Lindsay Dunsmuir note that the Federal largesse of trillions of dollars currently being spent to
Introduction. The term “specific performance” is not, as commonly believed, a form of legal action that may be brought for enforcement of a contract. Rather,
These guidelines require the consent of third parties, e.g. sellers, buyers, tenants, buyer brokers, inspectors, appraisers, property managers, contractors, plumbers, and others involved in the
Introduction. Almost as soon as the COVID pandemic flared up, I began to receive calls asking whether the virus could constitute the basis for refusing
Introduction. This question is important for at least two reasons: It determines the time after which neither party can withdraw from the transaction without facing
FIRPTA and Buyer Liability. Until the last few years, the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980 (“FIRPTA”) was just an arcane acronym;
Discussion: The Portland Ordinance, 30.01.085 (“Portland Renter Additional Protections”) here, now in effect, has identified the occurrence of certain events that, if triggered, would require
From the IRS “It is critical that business owners correctly determine whether the individuals providing services are employees or independent contractors. Generally, you must withhold