Pssst! Wanna Buy Some Unpaid Mortgage Debt – Only 4 Cents On The Dollar!
In January 2013, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) published a study titled “The Structure and Practices of the Debt Buying Industry.” The full report can
In January 2013, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) published a study titled “The Structure and Practices of the Debt Buying Industry.” The full report can
“SunTrust had no effective document management system in place to process and retain the borrowers’ applications and supporting documentation. When the HAMP applications poured in,
Former Congressman Barney Frank testified before the House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services on Wednesday, arguing that the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
Jabberwocky: “Total nonsense. A fit of rambling which resembles a civilized language but in fact is meant only to obfuscate meaning or confuse the victim,
For those folks who remember the implosion of Enron in October 2001, they may also remember the collapse of its international accounting firm Arthur Anderson.
Nature seems to have given the biggest, meanest beasts pretty thick skins. Presumably, this is so they can savage their victims without being hurt themselves.
AND THE AWARD GOES TO… [complimentary drum roll here] Jason Furman and James Stock! [Hereinafter collectively referred to as “J&J.”] Both economists,[1] apparently shilling for
The April 19, 2014 Economist reports [Credit where credit’s due] that the ratings agencies are making a financial comeback after their near-death experience following the
Ever wonder why laws, rules and regulations keep growing, becoming more complex rather than less? Readers at this site know my feelings about Dodd-Frank (aka
As readers of this site know, I have no love lost for the Dodd-Frank Act. To review my prior rants, go to posts here and