ZOOM Couture
According to Family Court Judge Dennis Bailey of Broward County, Florida, ZOOM hearings have become way too casual. This, according to a recent ABA article
According to Family Court Judge Dennis Bailey of Broward County, Florida, ZOOM hearings have become way too casual. This, according to a recent ABA article
According to Mayor Wheeler in a recent interview with the Oregonian (“Half the arrests in Portland last year were of homeless people. Mayor Ted Wheeler
In a recent Wall Street Journal article, we learn that having exotic Latin honors after your degree isn’t quite as rare as it used to
I do not use my I-Phone while walking, working out, or any activity that requires concentration. Never have and never will. Walking requires as much
It is no secret I have a fair amount of animus toward the CFPB, which, since its creation in 2010, regarded itself as “the new
Prologue: You can’t make this stuff up! In an effort to shed its past transgressions, like a snake sheds its skin, Nationstar Mortgage has had
“THE VESTIBULE: This Is The First Part Of Hell That You Come Across In Dante’s Inferno. It Is Reserved For The Indecisive. The Souls Here In
“Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.” ~Ronald Reagan
For those folks familiar with the lending and servicing industries, Ocwen is likely a familiar name. Metaphorically speaking, it has become a regulatory piñata, with
Disambiguation refers to the removal of ambiguity by making something clear. Disambiguation narrows down the meaning of words and it’s a good thing. This word makes sense