America’s Economic Malaise And The Importance Of Real Estate
“…the United States is still producing around $800 billion a year less in goods and services than it would if the economy were at full
“…the United States is still producing around $800 billion a year less in goods and services than it would if the economy were at full
Former Congressman Barney Frank testified before the House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services on Wednesday, arguing that the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
kick·back – noun \ˈkik-ˌbak\: An amount of money that is given to someone in return for providing help in a secret and dishonest business deal. Merriam-Webster online.
Wall Street Journal (May 8, 2014 by, Nick Timiraos, “5 Takeaways on Fannie, Freddie Earnings” ): “Mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are sending
How embarrassing! After galloping into town with six shooters blazing, the new sheriff, err, correction, the CFPB, or as they like to refer to themselves
AND THE AWARD GOES TO… [complimentary drum roll here] Jason Furman and James Stock! [Hereinafter collectively referred to as “J&J.”] Both economists,[1] apparently shilling for
Ludd·ite – noun \ˈlə-ˌdīt\: one of a group of early 19th century English workmen destroying laborsaving machinery as a protest; broadly : one who is opposed to especially technological
Introduction. The FAQs below come directly from the most recent CFPB guidelines for January 2014. Parts One and Two can be found here and here.
Introduction. This is Part Two of ATR and QM FAQs. Part One is here. The FAQs below come directly from the most recent CFPB guidelines
Who would have thought that the financial crisis brought about by Big Bank Shenanigans would incentivize national and state regulators to impose Draconian rules on the sale