Today’s Residential Mortgage Industry: Have The Regulators Gone Too Far?
Background. It wasn’t that long ago, circa 2010, housing advocates were lobbying for tougher new laws to rein in the abuses of the easy money
Background. It wasn’t that long ago, circa 2010, housing advocates were lobbying for tougher new laws to rein in the abuses of the easy money
“24% of all purchase loans have a debt-to-income ratio greater than the CFPB’s Qualified Mortgage rule limit of 43% [of debt to income], a new
“…the Obama administration may represent “Peak Left” in American politics, and what we are getting from the left these days is a mix of bewilderment
Nationalmortgagenews.com recently carried a story (“Fannie Moves Aggressively on New Low-Down-Payment Loans”) by Kate Berry reporting on Fannie’s and Freddie’s [collectively, “GSEs”[1]] venture back into
While Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two GSEs[1] who’ve received the most attention of late – and much of it bad, after being taken
Jabberwocky: “Total nonsense. A fit of rambling which resembles a civilized language but in fact is meant only to obfuscate meaning or confuse the victim,
Wall Street Journal (May 8, 2014 by, Nick Timiraos, “5 Takeaways on Fannie, Freddie Earnings” ): “Mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are sending
In a recent Wall Street Journal article entitled “Mortgage Lenders Ease Rules for Home Buyers in Hunt for Business” by Nick Timiraos and Annamaria Andriotis,
Ludd·ite – noun \ˈlə-ˌdīt\: one of a group of early 19th century English workmen destroying laborsaving machinery as a protest; broadly : one who is opposed to especially technological
Has anyone wondered why it is that politicians are always diving for cover during a crisis, but the first to hold hearings and declare an