Q-Law Blog

Distressed Housing: This Too Shall Pass

[Caveats: 1. The following information is solely based upon Oregon law.  Residents from other states should not assume their laws will result in the same

‘Living Wills’ For Big Banks?

It has recently been reported that Big Banks must have ‘living wills’ in place by July, 2012.  In estate planning circles, a “living will” is

Sharpe vs. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage – A Critical Analysis

Hypocrisy: [c.1200, ipocrisie, from O.Fr. ypocrisie, from L.L. hypocrisis, from Gk. hypokrisis “acting on the stage, pretense,” from hypokrinesthai “play a part, pretend….” Online Etymology Dictionary] Example: When banks lend money today,