Querin Law: Short Sale FAQs (2013)
These FAQs were previously located on the FAQ Section of the Q-Law homepage. They have been replaced by another set of frequently asked questions on
These FAQs were previously located on the FAQ Section of the Q-Law homepage. They have been replaced by another set of frequently asked questions on
Introduction. As the Big Bank scandals appear to be diminishing, I’ll admit that it’s probably time to get over the RATs (Rapers of the American
In one of the most insightful articles I’ve read about Big Banks from the Great Depression to the present, authors Frank Partnoy and Jesse Eisinger,
Introduction. On September 2, 2013 the online Wall Street Journal carried an article that should be of interest to thousands of folks who have weathered
As some of my readers know, S&P, the largest of the ratings agencies, that in tandem with their investment banking cohorts, made millions – nay,
OK, we’ve made it through the first half of 2013. We now have six months’ of foreclosure statistics. I posted the first quarter stats for
It is no secret that my regard for the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (“the CFPB”) is akin to my regard for Bubonic Plague; they both
In a further example of “mission creep”, the Financial Stability Oversight Council (“FSOC”), another spawn of Dodd-Frank, charged with responsibility to oversee and regulate…everything with
One of the most notable bi-products of the foreclosure disaster, was another disaster – the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act; a 2300 page tome bearing the names
Introduction. In January of this year, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”), issued what turns out to be a not-so-final rule[1] regarding the ability to repay (“ATR”)