The National Mortgage Settlement – Will The Big Banks Pass The Buck?
Introduction. On February 9, 2012, the U.S. Department of Justice issued a press release announcing the “landmark” $25 billion dollar settlement with five of the
Introduction. On February 9, 2012, the U.S. Department of Justice issued a press release announcing the “landmark” $25 billion dollar settlement with five of the
Can I sell my home (i.e. my “primary residence”) for less money than I owe to my bank? The short answer is that “it depends.”
[Caveats: 1. The following information is solely based upon Oregon law. Residents from other states should not assume their laws will result in the same
Have you ever been curious about what “test” the Big Banks apply when deciding to allow short sales? I have. What follows is my
The Conundrum. In Oregon we have a foreclosure conundrum: ORS 86.735(1) requires lenders to record all successive trust deed assignments when non-judicially foreclosing a trust
In my earlier post I was critical of the Obama Administration’s second run at jumpstarting the woefully inadequate Home Affordable Refinance Program or “HARP.” As
Having counseled approximately two hundred Oregon homeowners drowning in negative equity, I have discovered that many, if not most, believe that somehow their lenders can
In common parlance today, a “default” denotes either nonperformance – or inadequate performance – that falls short of a written rule, guideline, or criterion. It
In a recent post on mortgage insurance (“MI”), I addressed what I saw as a problem, but didn’t yet fully understand the depth of it,
The Oregon Legislature has recently passed, and the Governor has signed, House Bill 2916. Here’s a quick summary: It applies to lenders who hold mortgage